This week was pretty sweet, we had a ton of good work this week with
finding new investigators and we taught a ton of lessons!!! It's hot like
normal, but sometimes it has been raining at night, which is kinda crazy.
There's one guy we are teaching who we contacted in front of his house, and
he came to church yesterday!!! His name is Jaime and he is super good. He told
us that he ran from work to get over to the church, has been reading the Book of Mormon and really likes what we have been teaching him. Today we have an
appointment with him where we are going to talk about the word of wisdom. He has
a ton of faith and is really progressing. He has a baptism date for the 5th of
We should be having a ton of good things happening in the coming weeks, and
it is going to be different because the next transfer is going to be for eight weeks
instead of six. They are changing the time the Latinos stay in the CCM to three weeks
instead of two, and that's why this next transfer will be longer. This Sunday is
when we will know the changes and it's pretty much 100% that my companion is
going to leave and I will get another one. He has been here a long time so he is
excited to experience something new.
On Wednesday, I got to have an interview with President Baquerizo, he came
to Girardot and taught us some stuff and afterward we had interviews! It was
super awesome, he is an amazing guy. We have applied a lot of what he has told
us and it is for that reason that we had such an awesome week. It was cool to
get to talk to him and to have the opportunity to ask questions. We had to miss
lunch to be at the interview with President, so he took me and my companion and
the Zone Leaders out to lunch at a place called the Corral. Its pretty much the
closest thing to American hamburgers that they have here in Colombia. It was a
lot of fun to go to lunch with President and talk about his mission and other
My stomach is fine, so don't worry :D
I love all the pictures and love you guys!!!!!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Elder Kendall
PS - So I forgot to tell you, with my companion I learned what was the
reason that I have been put with him. It is so that I can learn patience.
Something that helped me this week was that I put it into these terms ``I got a
big bowl of patience soup, and I've got to eat it all'' So that has been helping
me out, I have been able to change my attitude. It isn't super easy, I'm still
workin on that soup, but we're gettin there.
Also, woke up yesterday with some sort of head cold, and by the time we
were heading home I was so tired that I started singin ''I Want a Hippopatamus
for Christmas!!!'' out loud to myself. Thought that was pretty
funny. Once I repeated this song about a thousand times, I started it up with Nelli the
Elephant, so just some quality stuff XD
Patience soup - I like that.