Monday, May 23, 2016

Assistants, President, Meetings, and BAPTISM!!!!!!

Hey hey everybody!!!! How's everyone doing over there?

This week was pretty much crazysauce, and we did a lot of stuff. I am pretty beat! But it's good, lots of amazing work and lots of learning!!!

So, we started Tuesday morning off with exercise at the church playing soccer with our district and the assistants. Which was fun, we actually ended up doing that almost everyday this week XD Getting up at 5:30 every morning was a a lot of fun, but it also takes a toll on you after a while. Tuesday night we started out our exchanges, and I went to our house with Elder Alava and we started out the exchange right with an extra large pepperoni pizza with barbecue sauce on top. Pretty sweet. Elder Alava was my old zone leader here so it was pretty fun to be with him again. 

Wednesday was the day of the exchange, it went pretty well. I learned a whole lot about listening to the investigators and not teaching them a lesson, but teaching with principles of the lessons according to their needs. We also did some contacting. Elder Alava goes crazy for contacting, while I was standing in the street thinking where we were going to go to contact, he was already talking to two people sitting outside their house. We were able to find six new investigators which is more than what we`ve found in like three weeks. It was a really good learning experience. 

Friday two big things happened. One President Baquerizo came to Girardot to have our interviews with him, and....... I got really bad diarrhea..... Of course the day of the interviews my stomach decided to go crazy. So I was in and out of the bathroom a lot that day and also Saturday, we couldn't actually leave Saturday to visit people because I was spending all my time in the bathroom until it was time for the baptism. My interview was short but it was good. 

Saturday we had a baptism!!!!! Jorge got baptized and it was a really cool moment. We were honestly kinda worried that he would have some sort of problem with going under the water but he went under perfectly. He doesn't say all that much but he has a really powerful spirit with him. And you could see how happy and content that he was for his baptism. His parents also came to church that Sunday to see him confirmed, The dad was really happy to be there and they felt good. We are going to invite them to keep coming and see if there is a way that we can start teaching them. 

This next transfer calls are going to be crazy, this Sunday I´ll know if I'm staying in Girardot or if I'm going. This next transfer 30 missionaries are going home and only five are coming into the mission so they are going to be closing a lot of areas. A lot of the leaders of the mission are going home and so they are going to have to call a lot of new leaders. I really don't know whats going to happen this week. 

Here are some answers for your Class. 

People always say when you pass by or say high to someone "Buenos dias," "Buenas tardes" and "Buenas noches." Other stuff is like hola, que mas, and stuff like that. 

When the area 70 Elder Uceda came to our mission to talk to us he shared that how on his mission learning English and speaking it in the house was a rule, and how it would be impossible for him to be an area 70 without learning English. English can be key to helping you fill callings in the church that you might have to complete. 

This week was pretty crazy but also good. 


Elder Kendall
Jorge's baptism!

Look closely and you will see our new pet lizard :)

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